Thursday, May 17, 2012

Where to Get Water

A slower day in Ghana, thank goodness. Claire and I visited with the preschool children this morning where she read them many stories. We gave the teachers many books and school supplies from the students at Stone-Robinson and Charlottesville Catholic School. Grandma and the teachers were very happy.

In the afternoon we took a taxi to Osu where we shopped at the street markets and bargained for things that we wanted to purchase. It was a hot day so it was nice to sit down and have lunch in an air-conditioned place. Afterwards we did something very American and took a taxi to the Accra mall and saw a movie – The Avengers. Very relaxing.

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the number of cars, always honking, the number of people walking on the street, selling things on the side of the street, or walking up to you to ask you to buy something, the trash and rubble, the noise, and the heat.

Most amazing is the people selling things while walking through the traffic. While we were sitting in the taxi today, people walked by selling the following items from on top of their heads: handkerchiefs, toilet paper, water, plantains, fish, q-tips, magazines, CDs, maps, toiletry items, peanuts, sunglasses, bubble machines, phone credit, sandals, watches, nail clipper sets, DVDs, and onions. Claire was disappointed that we didn’t see the tummy trimmer (as seen on TV) like she has seen previously. Maybe tomorrow.

As in Virginia, I am always thinking about drinking water so when we left this morning I asked Claire if I should bring some water to which she responded, “We can always buy water off someone’s head.” Welcome to Ghana.

Reading at the nursery
                                                      Walking through Osu

1 comment:

  1. "we can always buy water off of someone's head!"

    yeah, the constant selling of things is a fact of life here too. Endless commerce.
