Sunday, May 13, 2012


This past week has flown by – from finishing classes and exams to preparing for goodbyes, it hasn’t been easy.

On Tuesday I went to Tot To Teen, my first time back since the break, and found out that the teacher I was with had been moved to class two. I decided to stay with her as they’ve changed the upper class schedule and I would only be there for two days. I enjoyed being with the younger students but missed my other students (yes, even the rambunctious ones).

The rest of the week I was busy preparing and causing accidents. Let me explain…

A taxi driver was attempting to get my attention and when I shook my head no he started to turn at the intersection I was crossing at. When he saw me crossing he thought that I was coming towards him and he stopped short. Thus the car behind him hit his taxi, oops.

Then I was sitting in Luscious doing some work and the power went out. I realized I should unplug the cord from my computer to avoid any power surge but didn’t think about unplugging it from the wall. Next thing I knew there was smoke coming from my charger, oops. The charger is now finished.

Back to the rest of the week…

Yesterday Grandma and I went to Makola Market in Accra (what an adventure). I hadn’t been shopping in a market before with a Ghanaian so it was interesting to see how the sellers treated her. However, it wasn’t an easy shopping day with me around because I tend to increase the prices by being white. So, when we were finally getting a taxi to leave she made me stand away from her so that she could get a taxi back for the price she wanted.

And on to this coming week…

Tomorrow is my last exam.  And I can’t wait until tomorrow afternoon, for my mom to arrive!

(Perhaps I will have a guest blogger this next week). 

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