Monday, May 7, 2012

Grandma Gritty

It was her birthday yesterday. This post is for her - this amazing woman that has become a part of my life, who has opened her home and her heart for me.

She shares her stories, her knowledge, her wisdom, her pain and her joy with me.

She has taught me how to forgive, how to let go, how to trust that I am not alone.

She has given me a home, a place that I look forward coming back to after a long day, and love, that keeps me walking out the door every day. “Take care.”

She has cooked me some of the best Ghanaian food, always making sure that I am well fed and enjoy the food I am eating.

She has been a mother to me, looking out for me, caring for me, being concerned about me.

She is an inspiration to me, as a wife, a mother, and a teacher.

One day I will come back to Ghana for her and her family.
But before then we will meet again soon in the U.S.

Grandma Gritty, thank you.

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