Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Let's Get Down to Business

…To defeat the huns. (One of my favorite songs from Mulan.) But seriously, it’s time to get down to business, the business of studying. (Also this post is a few days old).

I haven’t talked too much about classes here because there’s always so much else going on. Like this weekend – spending an afternoon in the U.S. embassy and learning about the diplomatic life; getting drinks at my favorite restaurant and making new friends; cooking with my CIEE team and eating our delicious jollof rice (although still not as good as Grandma’s); and now…studying.

This week I have a mid-term in my Development Studies class as well as an exam in Twi. Having gone almost two months without studying (three if you count winter break), I was afraid I wouldn’t remember how. It definitely is different studying for an exam at University here but hopefully the results will be okay. Normally by now at Tulane I would have an idea of what the professor expected of me and be able to perform well, but we have no idea what the questions on these tests will be like or how the professor will grade us.

The other three classes I have I won’t have exams until the end of the semester. One of the classes is the Seminar on Living and Learning in Ghana and we will have a project as a final. Then in drumming I will have to perform and play all of the parts in the two songs that we are learning. And finally in my sociology class, The Context of Development and Underdevelopment, I will have a final, my only grade for the class.

Now that Grandma knows I have two exams coming up this week she tells Felix to stop talking to me when he talks to me for more than a few minutes. She also tells me that I should take rests because I won’t be able to take in all the information at once. I have been resting a lot because it’s so hot now. Supposedly this is the hottest month.

On a separate note, my Internet is finished. And I have decided that I won’t purchase more credit until I finish with my exams. Enti (meaning “therefore” in Twi) I will be forced to study.

Craziest thing I saw this past week: A woman carrying a box of “Virginia Apples”

Favorite Ghanaian name thus far: Life

Most American moment: Going to the U.S. embassy for a barbecue

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