Thursday, May 3, 2012

Exams - Why not?

“The exam is not coming on today.”

Oh, okay.

Wait, what?

Yes, it happens – things get changed, mixed up, moved, and the world does not stop.

This is one of the many things I have learned during my time in Ghana.

Let it go – the bad feelings, the frustrations, the anger. Why not?

Yesterday was the beginning of my exams. Only two weeks of exams and my studying at the University of Ghana is finished. Can’t believe it.

I took my Development Studies Final yesterday afternoon. Tomorrow I will take my drumming final (a little nervous about this one). Then on Saturday I will have my last Twi exam. Then one presentation, one final paper, and one final exam in “The Context of Development and Underdevelopment” left in the last week.

This Saturday night is our Farewell Dinner, the beginning of the end.

Let it go – the sadness, the nervousness, the fears. Why not?

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