Friday, May 18, 2012

From the Volta Region

We left yesterday morning, took a taxi to Madina, and then an air-conditioned trotro to Hohoe. It was Claire’s first time in an air-conditioned trotro! It was a 3½ hour ride to HoHoe and then a 30-minute taxi ride to Wli. We had lunch at our hotel (which consisted of 5 rooms), and then hiked the mountain to the waterfall. Wli waterfall is the tallest waterfall in Western Africa. It was truly beautiful. After a hike down, we showered and got ready for dinner. We were the only ones for lunch and the only ones for dinner. It was very relaxing.

In bed by 8:10 AND we slept until 6:30! Sleeping is good in Ghana. We found a trotro right away and got on back to Hohoe. Some trotros stop to pick people up along the way and can also stop to pick up things to take to the market. On one of these stops, our trotro was parked on the left side of the road loading up large bags of something. There was another trotro speeding down the road towards us (not uncommon) and they swerved to our left to pass us, but there was a taxi coming from the other direction and they crashed! Fortunately no one was hurt. There was much yelling and pointing and probably cursing (but since it was in Ewe I can’t be sure).

After about 20 minutes they must have worked things out and we were on our way to HoHoe. In Hohoe we got another trotro (not air-conditioned) back to Madina. It was a 4-hour trip as we had many stops. One stop was at a check-point where police were stationed. They made all 15 of us get out (Claire said it was because of us) and proceed to another area. Everyone got through without incident except for us. We were stopped by the police in their camouflage, boots and guns. They wanted to see our passports, which we did not bring because we were not traveling outside of Ghana (Claire had an attitude about this which the popo did not appreciate). After questioning us about this they let us go and we boarded the trotro back to Madina. Finally a taxi back home and here we are…

At Wli Lower Waterfall

Our African Oasis

1 comment:

  1. I understand getting pissed at a a police checkpoint, I've been there too!!!

    Glad you guys had a good trip! Love the photos!
