Friday, May 25, 2012

"Obruni" Return

            One whole day back in the U.S. and I want the words to describe this, how it is being back, to be perfect. But here’s the thing, there are no perfect words.

            What I see now, it’s different.

            It’s easy to come back and see the differences,
            It’s easy to come back and be angry at how much we have here,
            It’s easy to come back and forget,
            It’s easy to come back and judge.
            But all of this makes it harder in the end.

            Everyone’s return will be different. This is just mine, my opinion for now.

            I am seeing the similarities.
            I am accepting us for who we are and what we have.
            I am staying open to sharing.
            I am trying my hardest not to judge.

            I prepared for this return, each day teaching myself so I wouldn’t forget.

            It sounds crazy to prepare for coming home but it’s worked.

            This transition, this return, it takes time,
time to process, time to miss, time to be sad,
time to be appreciative, time to remember,
time to write, time to share.

“Claire, the lights are out. I am using one of the candles you gave me,” Grandma told me today. “I miss you and love you.”

Me too.

I will keep writing, Ghana to America, I will share, even when it’s hard.

            Right now.

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