Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dreams Can Come True

When this song came on in the tro-tro on the way to the Volta Region I couldn’t resist singing along to a song I grew up singing in my living room. From my living room to the tro-tro stop “Living Room” my dream of coming to Africa has come true.

These past four months have truly been a dream come true. Grandma asked me the other day where I will travel to next. When she asked me that question I didn’t know my answer. I’ve always said “I want to go Africa” and now I am here. “I am sure Kenya,” is what she told me. Perhaps. But Ghana will be on my mind, the possibilities are endless.

The possibilities are endless because I have had such immense support coming here, being here, and I know that once I return I will have many people to thank. This is where it starts.

Dreams are possible,
With family,
With friends,
With people you meet along the road.

They come true because of you,
Because you reach out and touch people,
And those people want to be right beside you,
And you let them,
Because you know that without them,
Without them you would still be dreaming.

Thank you,
For reading,
For following,
For praying,
For thinking of me,
For all of the support,
For being there,
Because knowing there are people reading,
It keeps me writing,
It helps me grow,
It allows me to share.

The hardest part is yet to come.
I know this,
And I am ready.

This is not where it ends.

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