Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Twelve Weeks

And I finally understand that I will never be able to find a trashcan or a bathroom when I need one in Ghana. I have experienced what it’s like to live without running water, what it’s like to sleep with the power out, how difficult it can be at times to live in a developing country.

And I finally understand that I will never be able to fully understand Ghana, the people and the culture, but that what I have learned, what I am learning, and what I will continue to learn in the next few weeks will be my beginning.

And I finally understand that I will always be learning, that no matter where I travel, whom I encounter, what I experience, there will never be an ending.

Twelve weeks ago I began to question my beliefs, my future, my understandings, my judgments, my stereotypes, and what the next months would bring.

And here I am. Still questioning, still trying to understand, still working through the hard moments, still enjoying the happy ones, still running around, still finding time to sit outside and relax, still enjoying life in Ghana.

And I still can’t believe I am here, that this is my life, that I am living it here.

And I still can’t believe that I have travelled to the Eastern Region, the Volta Region, the Western Region, the Central Region, the Greater Accra Region – five of the ten regions, places that local Ghanaians have not even been to. And this weekend is another region, a trip to the Ashanti Region with the CIEE group, our last trip together.

And I’m not ready for the ending.

It’s time to keep running, to get up early and enjoy every moment.

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