Thursday, April 19, 2012

Navigating Titles

There’s usually a class representative in each class who is in charge of making copies for the other students, preparing the classroom for the lecturer, and making announcements.

Emma asked me the other day, “Claire, how did you become the CIEE Class Rep?”

I had to think about it for a minute. “I’m not sure.”

I think it began when I decided it would be a good idea for us to celebrate people’s birthdays as a group, as CIEE. I took out a sheet of paper and posted it on the board in the office for everyone who has a Spring Birthday to be able to write it down. I wasn’t really sure what I was going to with that information but I thought I would think of something eventually.

Then I began to work on my project, interviewing other CIEE students and sending out group e-mails. From there, it just happened.

Now I am helping to organize a CIEE Trivia Night, helping to plan the Farwell dinner, helping to put together a book of CIEE Students’ Stories, and buying cake and candy to celebrate the birthdays – oh my.

When I write it out like that it seems very overwhelming but to me, it isn’t. Planning, organizing, putting things together, is what I enjoy doing. And so I’m finding it rewarding helping out.

But I don’t need a title. I am happy just being Claire, that one girl that keeps sending out the e-mails (which I am sure some people find annoying and are wondering why I am the one sending them).

In high school I needed a title. I needed a way to define myself. But I know me now.

I hope that through all I am trying to do, all I am trying to help out with, that I am making things more enjoyable and worthwhile for everyone on this program.

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