Friday, February 17, 2012

Great News

I've just received an email notifying me that I will receive a $400 scholarship to conduct my project here in Ghana with the CIEE students and Ghanaian colleagues, friends, and family. I mentioned it previously in another post but will expand upon it more as it starts to unfold. The main idea of it is that I would like to compile a multimedia presentation in a DVD format about the relationship between us, as developing students here in Ghana, to Ghana, as a developing country, and the role that education plays between the two. This will require me to travel with each of the students, take video recordings, photographs, and conduct interviews. My hope is to be able to provide a connection between Ghana and America through this educational compilation.

Now on to the work of the project. First step, seeing how many of the students on this program want to be a part of it - I hope everyone does!

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