Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Four Weeks

Four weeks ago today,


This country far away,

Far from the familiar,

Far from my home,

Becoming closer to my heart.

They opened the door to me,

Let me step inside,



Taking my first steps in the dirt,

My first rides in the trotro,

First calls of obruni.

It’s not always easy,

Lights go out,

Sweat drips,

Faces turn,

To see.

Always an adventure,

A million moments to share in one day,

From watching students be caned,

To teaching a class of thirty-six,


From waving to a smiling child on the street,

To seeing the place where they sleep at night.

We accept the differences,

Watch in silence,

Become a part of here.

Forming our own opinions,

Creating ourselves,

From what we see

To who we meet.


I will continue to learn,

To share,

To be here,

To live a part of my life.


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