Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wash. - Bon Iver


Is all we know

When thaw

Is not below us

No can't grow up

In that iron ground

Claire, all too sore for sound


Is hardly shown


Across the foam

Like they stole it

And oh how they hold it

Claire, we nearly forfeit

I I'm growing like the quickening hues

I I'm telling darkness from lines on you

Over havens fora full and swollen morass young habitat!

All been living alone where the ice snap and the hold clast are known


Were savage high


We finally cry

Oh and we don it

Because it's right

Claire I was too sore for sight

I were sewing up through the latchet greens

I un-peel keenness honey bean for bean

Same white pillar tone as with the bone street sand is thrown where she stashed us at,

All been living alone where the cracks at in the low part of the stoning

I've been listening to this song every night as I go to sleep. I feel as if it was written for me, although through my limited research I have come to find out that Bon Iver is writing this song about his hometown Eau Claire. The lyrics to me speak of growing up, of forcing ourselves out of our homes and what we are used to; that in order to climb we must leave the familiar. It may be for a month, a few months, a year - there's no time expectation or limitation. I listen to this song for inspiration, to remind myself that in creating myself, in being here in Africa, I will encounter differences and in those moments I will reveal parts of myself that I have never seen before in my actions and reactions.

I love songs that cause me to reflect, to question the lyrics, and to find meaning. So I must give thanks to Daniel for sending this song to me; it's kept me company every night as I fall asleep under my mosquito net, blocking out the noise of the planes flying overhead, and allowing me peace at the end of long days. I'd love more song suggestions!

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