Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Lots to write and yet I can’t find the words. I’ve found I’m not afraid to ask questions in order to learn something about Ghana. At dinner my host mom and brother had a conversation with me about dating, we discussed the differences between American dating and Ghanaian. I asked my host brother why he had asked a girl on my program for her number. We talked about what it meant to ask someone for their number and what I should do if I was asked. I told them that was no problem, I would tell them I have a boyfriend. They laughed and said that was a good thing.

Every day I’m learning something, figuring out something, asking questions. And by nine in the evening I am tired. I think this is how it will continue to be. It will be an adventure every day. I think the blog, although I don’t have internet right now, is helping me cope with being away. Knowing that others can find out what I’m doing, stay connected in a small way helps. I thought that I would come on this trip and be rid of internet, the cell phone, but I don’t think that can happen now. It takes small steps to let go and when the internet is so infused in our every day American life it is troublesome when we look at the internet bars on the computer and see no connection. It’s as if we don’t exist, can’t connect. I think it’s hard for some people to realize, or they don’t want to admit it but right now I’m okay admitting that I think it will help me. It will help because even if it is only one post, a few minutes of my time, I don’t feel alone. Otherwise it’s hard. And while I understand that it’s important to experience difficult things, I think every day here is a little bit of struggle and I am sure there is more to come.

1 comment:

  1. It not only helps you, but it also helps us all back here in the us, learning about Ghana through our eyes. You're not alone.
